Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Hits While Annie Sits

I haven't exactly been sitting but it rhymed really well!

I last set foot inside of Hammerfit on Sunday. This is not the pace I was looking to set.

So. New plans on the horizon.

Lisa White Harrison (amazing photographer of newborns, says she'll come work out with me.....

Tracey Medeiros (amazing author of Dishing Up Vermont, Click here for Tracey's book link) says she'll join me.....

Add to the fact that Sue has already worked out with and off we go!  This is a great plan!

I'm known for being on time for appointments. If I meet up with people at Hammerfit (and I'm sure I need to add Tracy the Trainer to my Google Calendar), I'd absolutely show up.

I get it now, how people always say they don't have time. It's not truly that they don't have time. It's that they haven't been creating time for working out and it's hard to find your way into it.

Creating time for Hammerfit.

So Hammerfit can get Annie fit.

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